
Concussions Andrea Engebretson Concussions Andrea Engebretson

Why Just ‘Waiting to See’ If a Concussion Will Go Away Is NOT the Answer

The rate of concussions, or mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs), is rising. Our knowledge of long-lasting concussion-related problems, including PCS (post-concussion syndrome) and CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) is growing. Below we explore the current concussion approach, if concussions are truly getting better with this approach and how we are changing the status quo.

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Concussions Andrea Engebretson Concussions Andrea Engebretson

Don’t Know If You Have a Concussion?

You hit your head, or your child hit their head, and you are unsure if it is a concussion. Statistics show 50% of concussions go unreported. We are here to change that statistic - and provide proper treatment when you do have a concussion. We use state-of-the-art diagnostics and have a physician on-staff to review your results. We are your go-to-stop for concussion diagnostics and treatment.

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Concussions, Research Andrea Engebretson Concussions, Research Andrea Engebretson

2022 NFL Review | Are Concussions Increasing?

We saw an 18% increase in concussions in the 2022 NFL regular season. We know that repeated head injury leads to Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, CTE. With a 91% prevalence of CTE in former players (done only through autopsy), it is all but certain that our current players are on this road as well. What needs to be done to prevent this?

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