When should you return to school or work after a concussion?

One of the most common questions we get! Our answer: as soon as you are symptom-free.

A concussion is an injury to the brain that causes swelling and inflammation. At a time when the brain needs more energy to repair and recover, the inflammation prevents it from getting the resources it needs. This manifests as many of the physical symptoms associated with concussions: headache, balance problems, and light and sound sensitivity. It is also the reason for many of the unseen or “invisible” symptoms: emotional regulation difficulties, cognitive difficulties, dizziness, and brain fog.


When we participate in school and work, it requires mental energy: learning, computer work, etc. We expend energy that should be used for recovery, on tasks. This does not help the healing process. This is why we hear the common concussion recommendation: stay in a dark room and away from screens. The problem with this recommendation is that we are removing the stimulation, but still not providing the best environment for healing to take place. The inflammation remains in the brain and slows  the injury repair.


The goal with hyperbarics is to turn off that inflammation. When we first see acute concussions, we do NOT recommend school and/or work. We recommend full mental rest for the first day or two of treatment. This allows the increased oxygen given during treatment to be used by the brain solely for repair. As soon as patients feel symptom-free, they are good to go back to class or work.


If you are coming to us with post-concussion syndrome, it may take longer than a few days to feel symptom-free. In this case, we have several options that include full rest until symptom-free or minimal school/work (as to maximize recovery). We create treatment plans for each patient, and this will be something determined on an individual basis.


Any questions about when you should return to school or work after a concussion? Let us know in the comments below!


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