FDA Approved Indications for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
We are in network with Medicare, Tricare and most private insurance companies. We will work with the insurance to complete a pre-authorization for treatment, should you meet the requirements for an insurance covered indication. Find out more about these indications below.
Celebrating 5 Years of Healing with Hyperbarics in Fargo!
We recently celebrated 5 years of Healing with Hyperbarics of North Dakota in Fargo! We are incredibly grateful to be a part of this community and thankful to all of you who have supported us in the last 5 years.
What to Look for in a Hyperbaric Oxygen Center
We put together our top four things you should look for in a hyperbaric oxygen center: chamber type, staff requirements, experience and a research-based facility will ensure you get the most out of hyperbaric oxygen treatment.
History of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy | Part II
Although the twentieth century was slow in terms of new innovations brought to the field of HBOT, it was still a century of rapid expansion.
History of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy | Part I
Hyperbarics, like many other medical treatments of the era, was governed much more by feelings and guess work than the rigorous testing and evidence-based science we are used to today.